Terms & Conditions
Customer Service
At Kinleven Marine, our main focus is to ensure that you, our customers, are happy. We want you to love our products and we want to make sure that dealing with us is easy and stress-free. So, if you have any questions, or comments regarding how we can refine our range or service, please don’t hesitate to email us on info@kinlevenmarine.com or call us on
+44 (0)843 849 4175 or +44 (0)1264 532035
Our Mast Ladders are guaranteed for 5 years subject to adherence to guidance on usage, maintenance and storage in the Instruction booklet supplied with each ladder. The contents of the Instruction booklet can be found below on this page.
Kinleven Marine or Kinleven Limited cannot take responsibility for the state or condition of halyards used to hoist our ladders, or the masts, rigging or boats upon which they are used. For further conditions and returns policy see Instructions below.
Privacy Policy
Cookies - We use Google Analytics on this site to help us improve our products and services. Google Analytics uses cookies, which does not give us access to attributable information about you that you have not provided us with. You can block cookies in the settings of your browser. You can get more information on how to do this here. Your continued use of this site is taken to mean acceptance of our use of cookies for Google Analytics.
For more information go to: www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/
Information - Any personal information, or information that can be connected with you, that you provide us with in the course of purchasing our products will not be shared or sold to third parties by us, unless if legally required by legitimate authorities. We will not keep information beyond legal requirements to keep information or beyond the requirements of managing our guarantees and quality control systems, except from time to time to communicate regarding our products and services. Any emails we send out will include an option to unsubscribe from receipt of emails other than safety notices. We operate a traceable batch system that enables us to identify Serial Numbers and purchasers of any products made from any batch of materials. If a problem should arise with a batch of materials that warrants recall or replacement of effected products, every reasonable effort will be made to contact all purchasers. Any information beyond that required to fulfil those obligations will be deleted securely from our systems using overwriting software or physically shredded where recorded on paper.